It is
the year 2150. During the third decade of the millennium, the greenhouse
effect caused an environmental catastrophe on our planet. Now, dominating
the surviving islands in the Great Anterior Ocean, is the island city-state
of Isimilia, sheltered by a protective dome. Throughout the cataclysm that
transformed the planet, Isimilia was battered with cosmic rays carrying
antimatter. This enriched the soil with an anti-element, Logos, which is now
extracted from a mine by Professor Arrhenio and his miners. Logos produces
tremendous energy that artificially regulates life on the islands.
Maurizio Monti, reknowned composer of italian pop music and a trained chemist, specializing in pollution prevention, writes the score for this futuristic musical with an ecological theme. Lyrics are by Monti, in collaboration with Marisa Rossi. Monti has recorded two successful LPs as a singer-songwriter: “Amore” (Love) and “Diavolo custode” (Guardian Devil). He has composed several hits for famous italian artists such as Morandi, Anna Oxa, Little Tony and Patty Pravo. For Pravo, he wrote “Pazza Idea” (Crazy Idea), “La valigia blu” (The Blue Suitcase), “I giardini di Kensington” (Kensington Gardens), and “Morire tra le viole” (Dying among the violets), among others. In 1984, he won the Critics’ Award at the Festival di Sanremo with the song “Per una bambola” (For a doll) and he participated in the Festival again in ’95 with the song “I giorni dell’armonia” (Days of Harmony), sung by Patty Pravo. His song “Amore”, performed by Mina and Riccardo Cocciante, got rave reviews. Together with Ennio Morricone, he wrote a song for Patty Pravo that was released in May 2005.
TITLE:ISIMILIA LYRICS: Maurizio Monti www.isimilia.com - info@isimilia.com Contact: NINA MONTI Ph.: +393495605842